How to Have Kindle App Read to You

Text to speech has been available for some Kindle book readers for a number of years, but if you wanted to add together this feature to the Kindle apps for a Windows or Mac calculator, this involved an incredible amount of faffing about. All this has changed with the latest versions of the apps, available from Amazon, which can easily read out text from speech communication-enabled books using your computer's default voice.

To get the latest, free version of the app, make sure you become to the link on the Amazon web site, not the Apple or Windows App Store equally the App Store versions are quite old. (In the example of the Apple app, y'all currently get version 1.12.iv from the App Store, but version 1.nineteen.1 from Amazon. The Mac and Windows versions of the App are very similar, simply the screenshots in this blog are taken from the Windows version.

Go to Tools to select Text-to-SpeechOne time you have installed the app on a Mac or PC, and logged into your Kindle account, click on the book that you wish to read. At present click on Tools, so Start Text-to-Speech (or press Ctrl-T on a PC, Cmnd-T on a Mac) to commencement reading the book from the elevation of the page. using your computer'southward default vocalism. Unfortunately, the app doesn't highlight text as it is read so it can be hard for somebody with reading difficulties to follow the text, but having easy access to decent computer voices  is even so a significant improvement on earlier versions. [See below for another option to have text read out in a natural, homo vox, with highlighting.]

To alter the default vocalism on a Mac, click on the Apple symbol (top left of the screen), followed by System Preferences, Accessibility, then Speech to choose your System Voice. In Windows 10, become to the Speech Recognition control panel, click on Text to Speech and then select a voice from those bachelor on your computer.

Font options in the Kindle appUnfortunately, Amazon has not provided any additional font options for viewing the text with the new PC and Mac apps. You nonetheless just have a choice betwixt Bookerly and Georgia, two very like serif fonts. In contrast, the iOS app has a choice of viii fonts, though some are very similar to each other.

Using Whispersync to read books

Some Kindle books tin can exist linked with Audible talking books, using 'Whispersync' to provide professional narration, usually by an actor or the writer. In this case, text is highlighted every bit it is read, making it easier to follow.

Information technology is a more expensive method to read books as y'all have to pay for the Kindle version, also equally the Aural talking book, though in that location is by and large a discount on the cost of the Audible volume. Not all Aural books can be linked with the Kindle version, and there are far fewer Audible versions of books than Kindle. When you download the Kindle book, you volition generally be told if an Audible version is available.


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